Past Events

Do you have an innovative Idea? Do you want to learn about a tool to translate your research into real applicable solutions? Improve your skill set: Science may not be the answer to everything and sometimes it needs a different mind-set to come to a solution. NeuroCure provides a new program, tailored to the needs of early career researchers, who are interested to explore problem-solving tools beyond science and potentially translate their ideas into ‘the real world’. NeuroCure Innovation is a great place to connect with other out-of the box thinkers curious to create impact and build something new

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In this SPARK EUROPE WEBINAR, Dr. Karolina Dzwonek will guide us on how to adjust your message to the target audience and how to engage investors with a pitch presentation.

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In this SPARK Innovator Café, Johanna Holldack will talk about “Collaborative Research & Development with Industry”

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In this SPARK Innovator Café, SPARK founder Prof. Daria Mochly-Rosen (Stanford University) will give insights on her entrepreneural journey.


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Prof. John M. D. Storey, head of deptartment & chair of pharmaceutical industrial chemistry at the University of Aberdeen, will share his personal experience on establishing a GLP test facility and will give insights on valuable lessons learned and pitfalls he met along the way.

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In this SPARK Innovator Café, neotiv founder & CEO Chris Rehse will give insights on his entrepreneural journey. Chris has founded several start-ups in the medical field and has broad experience in enabling translational research and innovating science transfer.

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SPARK Europe has joint forces for education on translational research and technology transfer! For the first time, European SPARK sites will host a joint webinar series during spring 2021. The series will cover topics from design thinking to challenges in selling complex high-tech products from top-quality speakers around Europe and the US.

The dates and topics are specified in the flyer of the webinar series.


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In this SPARK Europe Webinar, Dr. med. Hélène Hernandez will talk about how to create a Target Product Profile (TPP). A TPP outlines the desired 'profile' or characteristics of a product that is aimed at a particular disease. TPPs state intended use, target populations and other desired attributes of products, including safety and efficacy-related characteristics.

The webinar is open to all interested staff and students from SPARK associated organizations.


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In this SPARK Europe Webinar, Yair M. Sakov will discuss some of the pit falls in transitioning ideas from academia to the business market.

The webinar is open to all interested staff and students from SPARK associated organizations.

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In this SPARK Europe Webinar, Ulrich Dirnagl will talk about the reproducibility crisis plaguing academic research and how to improve the predictiveness of your preclinical translational research by promoting the introduction of quality standards for experimental design, reporting of in vivo experiments and the necessity to publish NULL-Results.

The webinar is open to all interested staff and students from SPARK associated organizations.


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SPARK-BIH is a member of the SPARK Global network