
Welcome to all new SPARK-BIH teams and a big thank you to all the 2023 Call participants

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Within the new NDR Podcast episode, Prof. Schülke presented their drug discovery for mitochondrially inherited Leigh Syndrome (MILS).

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The NeuroCure/SPARK-supported team Myalink (Dr. Sophie Lehnerer and Dr. Maike Stein) presented their project within BERLIN BRAINS: Rare meets Care - how digital medicine opens new perspectives for rare diseases.

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Building on our previous experience with this format, NeuroCure and SPARK-BIH organized a medical Design Thinking workshop in order to support innovational project ideas from the NeuroCure community. The two-day workshop took place in the innovative location ‘Digital Labs’ from the BIH.

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At this year's BioVaria in Munich at the end of April, there was a session for very early start-up…

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A SPARK-BIH funded project on the development of an innovative tumor-specific immunotherapy for the treatment of B-cell lymphomas has successfully been awarded a follow-on BMBF grant for a first-in-human clinical trial.

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Two SPARK-BIH funded teams network with investors and the life science industry at the international JPM BIO Partnering Event.

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Dr. Angelika Vlachou, Principal at High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF), supported 25 translational SPARK project teams with a dedicated hands-on Pitch Training Workshop.

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SPARK-BIH and NeuroCure organized a second Design Thinking workshop.

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Researchers led by our SPARKee Ulrike Stein of the ECRC and Robert Preißner of Charité report in "Clinical and Translational Medicine" that statins inhibit a gene that promotes cancer cell metastasis.

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SPARK-BIH is a member of the SPARK Global network